Continue to boost your health with Welch’s 100% Grape Juice

April 17, 2020

Doctors have agreed and advised that one of the best ways to fight the Covid-19 – aside from regular handwashing and social distancing – is to boost one’s immune system.  To boost the immune system during the enhanced community quarantine, one has to have enough sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet. It would also help much if one would supplement a regular diet full of fruits and vegetables. 

To make it convenient for homeowners, a fruit’s nutrients can be enjoyed by the entire family through fruit juices. And one of the most effective to help boost one’s immune system is by a daily consumption of 100% grape juice made with Concord grapes such as Welch’s. 

In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, it revealed that “regular consumption of Concord grape juice benefits human immunity.” 

Not only that, Welch’s juice also provides “purple power” in the form of polyphenols – natural plant nutrient that plays a key role in supporting a healthy heart.  These same polyphenols contribute to the antioxidant power of 100% grape juice.  

“Welch’s juice uses the entire dark purple Concord grape – skin, seeds and all – to release the plant’s true polyphenol power. In fact, at least 20 grapes are squeezed into each 4-ounce glass.  Imagine the vitamins and minerals in each glass of Welch’s that can help boost your family’s health especially during this time,” said Erika Rodriguez, VP for Marketing of GEMCo, the Philippine marketing agent of Welch’s International.

Scientific studies also show that grape juice made from Concord grapes contain natural sugars.  Compared with other forms of sugar, sugars in grapes are considered to be low in the glycemic index. Thus, grape (or grape juice in this case) is unlikely to raise one’s blood sugar significantly. 

So, in this time when one’s health is truly the family’s wealth, it would be practical to boost the immune system in a natural way – by enjoying a glass of grape juice any time of the day.  Not only does it boost the immune system, but it also helps make your heart healthy.  

For more information on how to have Welch’s at your doorstep visit website: or place your order in the following online groceries:, Lazmart and  Welch's is also available in all leading supermarkets, drugstores and convenience stores.